Basic information about MERO ČR, a.s.

Company name:

MERO ČR, a.s.

Legal form:


Incorporation date:

January 1, 1994

Business ID No. (IČO):


Home office:

Veltruská 748, Kralupy nad Vltavou

Registered capital:

CZK 8,430,921 (in thousands)


Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic (100%)

Tax ID No. (DIČ):


Company Mission

To reliably transport crude oil and protect the strategic crude oil reserves of the Czech Republic.

Company Vision

To guarantee a high percentage of the Czech Republic’s energy security in the field of crude oil and keep its long–term value for our shareholders thanks to the company’s continuous high output.

Property Interests

MERO Germany GmbH

Home office: MERO-Weg 1, Vohburg an der Donau, SRN
MERO ČR share in registered capital: 100 %

MERO ČR share in registered capital:

  • operation and maintenance of the IKL crude oil pipeline in Germany
  • pipeline construction in Germany
  • transport and storage of crude oil
  • provision of telecommunication services in Germany
  • Trading in crude oil and petroleum products

The Transalpine Pipeline Company

MERO ČR share in registered capital: 5 %

The Company Profile:

There are three of companies consist the Transalpine Pipeline Company – the Societá Italiana per l´Oeleodotto Transalpino S.p.a, the Transalpine Ölleitung in Österreich Ges.m.b.H and the Deutsche Transalpine Oelleitung GmbH, which owns and runs the TAL crude oil pipeline. This oil pipeline represents a connection between the Triest haven and Central Europe countries and it is focused on securing their energy needs by means of crude oil deliveries to oil refining plants in Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic..